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Elder Brown's step began to lose its buoyancy. He found himself totally unable to steer straight. There was AN unsure straddle in his gait that carried him from one aspect of the walk to the opposite, and caused individuals whom he met to cheerfully yield him many room. Balaam saw him coming back. Poor Balaam. He had created AN early begin that day, and for hours he stood within the sun awaiting relief. once he opened his sleepyheaded eyes and raised his expressive ears to a foothold of attention, the recent acquainted coat and battered hat of the elder were before him. He raised up his honest voice and cried aloud for joy. The result was electrical for one instant. Elder Brown surveyed the beast with horror, but again in his understanding there rang out the trumpet words. "Drunk, drunk, drunk, drer-unc, -er-unc, -unc, -unc." He round-backed instinctively for a missile with that to smite his eristic, however named suddenly with a jerk and one or two of sand. Straightening himself up with an imposing dignity, he extended his manus imposingly. "You're a goldarn slicker, Balaam, and, blast your recent buttons, you kin walk home by yourself, for i am danged if you sh'll ride Pine Tree State er step."

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Surely Coriolanus ne'er turned his back upon Rome with a grander dignity than weekday upon the recent man's type as he Janus-faced regarding and left the brute to survey with anxious eyes the new departure of his master. He saw the elder zigzag on the road, and beheld him close to flip a friendly corner. Once more he raised up his mighty voice: "Drunk, drunk, drunk, drer-unc, drer-unc, -erunc, -unc, -unc." Once more the elder turned with raised hand and loud back: "You're a slicker, Balaam, goldarn you! you are er iffamous slicker." Then he passed from read. III Mrs. Brown stood upon the steps uneasily awaiting the come of her liege lord. She knew he had with him an oversized total of cash, or ought to have, and he or she knew additionally that he was a person while not business ways. She had lang syne repented of the choice that sent him to city. once the recent battered hat and flour-covered coat loomed up within the gloaming and confronted her, she stared with terror. future instant she had taken him. "For the Lord sakes, Elder Brown, what ails you? As I live, if the person ain't drunk! Elder Brown!

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Elder Brown! for the lifetime of Pine Tree State cannot I cause you to hear? You crazy recent hypocrite! you desavin' recent sinner! you black-hearted wretch! wherever have you ever ben?" The elder created an attempt to wave her off. "Woman," he said, with grand dignity, "you forgit yus-sef; shu recognize ware I've mountain 'swell's I do. mountain to city, wife, an' see yer wat I've brought--the fines' hat, ole woman, I could git. Look't the colour. Like goes 'ith like; it's red an' you are red, an' it is a dead match. What yer mean? Hey! hole on! ole woman!--you! Hannah!--you." She virtually cask him into silence. "You miserable wretch! you low-down inebriated sot! what does one mean by coming back home and insulting your wife?" Hannah ceased shaking him from pure exhaustion. "Where is it, I say? wherever is it?" By this point she was turning his pockets wrong aspect out. From one she got pills, from another amendment, from another packages. "The Lord be praised, and this is often higher luck than I hoped! OH, elder! elder! elder! what did you are doing it for? Why, man, wherever is Balaam?"

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Thought of the beast obstructed off the vulnerable hysterics. "Balaam? Balaam?" aforementioned the elder, groggily. "He's in city. The infernal ole fool 'sulted me, an' I lef' him to steer home." His partner surveyed him. extremely at that moment she did assume his mind was gone; however the leer upon the recent man's face infuriated her on the far side endurance. "You did, did you? Well, now, I reckon you may laugh for a few cause, you will. Back you go, sir--straight back; an' do not you sink in 'thout that donkey, or you may rue it, sure as my name is Hannah Brown. Aleck!--you Aleck-k-k!" A black boy darted around the corner, from behind that, with many others, he had beheld the temporary however stirring scene. "Put a saddle on er mule. The elder's gwine back to city. and do not you be long regarding it neither." "Yessum." Aleck's ivories gleamed within the darkness as he disappeared. Elder Brown was soberer at that moment than he had been for hours. "Hannah, you do not mean it?" "Yes, sir, I do. Back you attend city as certain as my name is Hannah Brown." The elder was silent. He had ne'er famed his partner to soften on any occasion when she had affirmed her intention, supplemented with "as certain as my name is Hannah Brown." It was her manner of swearing.

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No legal instrument would have had and the claim upon her as that easy enunciation. So back to city went Elder Brown, not within the order of the first period, however taciturnly, moodily, despondently, encircled by mental and actual gloom. The recent man had turned a final appealing look upon the angry girl, as he mounted with Aleck's help, and weekday within the lightweight that streamed from out the room window. She met the look while not a waver. "She suggests that it, as certain as my name is Elder Brown," he said, thickly. Then he rode on. IV To say that Elder Brown suffered on this long journey back to Macon would solely gently outline his expertise. His early morning's fall had begun to form itself felt. He was sore and uncomfortable. Besides, his abdomen was empty, and immersed 2 meals it had missed for the primary time in years. When, sore and weary, the elder entered the town, the electrical lights shone higher than it like jewels in an exceedingly crown. the town slept; that's, the higher portion of it did.

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Here and there, however, the lower lights flashed out into the night. Moodily the elder pursued his journey, and as he rode, far flung within the night there rose and quivered a mournful cry. Elder Brown smiled wearily: it had been Balaam's charm, and he recognized it. The animal he rode also recognized it, and replied, till the silence of the town was destroyed. The odd clamor and confusion role player from a saloon close to by a bunch of clattery kids, UN agency had been making an evening of it. They encircled Elder Brown as he began to transfer himself to the hungry beast to whose motion he was additional accustomed, and within the "hail fellow well met" style of the day began to bandy jests upon his look. currently Elder Brown wasn't in an exceedingly jesting humor. completely he was within the worst humor attainable. The result was that before many minutes passed the recent man was swinging many of the group by their collars, and breaking the peace of the town. A peace officer approached, and except for the amiable party, upon whom the elder's pluck had created a positive impression, would have run the old man into the barracks. The crowd, however, role player him laughingly into the saloon and to the bar. The reaction was an excessive amount of for his half-rallied senses.

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He yielded once more. The reviving liquor passed his lips. Gloom nonexistent. He became one in all the boys. The company into that Elder Brown had fallen was what's called "first-class." To such nothing is thus fascinating as AN journey out of the common run of accidents. The gaunt countryman, together with his battered hat and claw-hammer coat, was a prize of AN extraordinary nature. They role player him into a rear space, whose gilded frames and polished tables betrayed the character and purpose of the place, and plied him with wine till 10 thousand lights danced regarding him. The fun exaggerated. One shaver created a political speech from the highest of the table; another impersonated Hamlet; and eventually Elder Brown was raised into a chair, and Panax quinquefolius a camp-meeting song. This was rendered by him with startling result. He stood upright, together with his hat jauntily knocked to at least one aspect, and his coat tails decorated with a handful of show-bills, kindly stapled on by his admirers. In his left hand he waved the stub of a smoke, ANd on his back was an admirable illustration of Balaam's head, dead by some creative person with table game chalk.

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As the elder Panax quinquefolius his favorite hymn, "I'm glad salvation's free," his booming voice awoke the echoes. Most of the corporate rolled upon the ground in convulsions of laughter. The exhibition came to an in depth by the chair overturning. once more Elder Brown fell into his beloved hat. He arose and shouted: "Whoa, Balaam!" once more he taken the closest weapon, and wanted satisfaction. The young gentleman with political sentiments was knocked below the table, and Hamlet solely loose injury by beating the furious elder into the road. What next? Well, I hardly recognize. however the elder found Balaam may be a mystery yet: not that Balaam was arduous to seek out, however that the recent man was in no condition to seek out something. Still he did, and climb laboriously into the saddle, he continued doltishly whereas the hungry beast affected out for home. V Hannah Brown didn't sleep that night. Sleep wouldn't return. Hour when hour passed, and her wrath refused to be quenched.

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She tried each conceivable technique, however time adorned heavily. it had been just about peep of day, however, once she arranged her well-worn Holy Writ aside. It had been her mother's, and amid all the anxieties and tribulations incident to the life of a lady UN agency had free negroes and a miserable husband to manage, it had been her mainstay and luxury. She had ofttimes scan it in anger, page when page, without knowing what was contained within the lines. however eventually the words became intelligible and took that means. She wrested consolation from it by mere force of can. And so on this occasion once she closed the book the fierce anger was gone. She wasn't a tough girl naturally. Fate had brought her conditions that coated up the woman heart inside her, however tho' it lay deep, it had been there still. As she weekday with folded hands her eyes fell upon--what? The pink bonnet with the blue plume! It may seem strange to those that don't perceive such natures, however to Pine Tree State her next action was absolutely natural. She burst into a convulsive laugh; then, seizing the queer object, bent her face upon it and sobbed hysterically. once the storm was over, very tenderly she arranged the gift aside, and bare-headed passed out into the night.


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